Source code for properties.basic

""" defines base Property and basic Property types"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import collections
import datetime
from functools import wraps
import math
import random
import re
import uuid
import warnings

from six import integer_types, string_types, text_type, with_metaclass

from .utils import undefined, ValidationError

TOL = 1e-9

    import numpy as np
    BOOLEAN_TYPES += (np.bool_,)
except ImportError:

PropertyTerms = collections.namedtuple(
    ('name', 'cls', 'args', 'kwargs', 'meta'),

def accept_kwargs(func):
    """Wrap a function that may not accept kwargs so they are accepted

    The output function will always have call signature of
    :code:`func(val, **kwargs)`, whereas the original function may have
    call signatures of :code:`func(val)` or :code:`func(val, **kwargs)`.
    In the case of the former, rather than erroring, kwargs are just

    This method is called on serializer/deserializer function; these
    functions always receive kwargs from serialize, but by using this,
    the original functions may simply take a single value.
    def wrapped(val, **kwargs):
        """Perform a function on a value, ignoring kwargs if necessary"""
            return func(val, **kwargs)
        except TypeError:
            return func(val)
    return wrapped

class ArgumentWrangler(type):
    """Stores arguments to Property initialization for later use"""

    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, classdict):

        # Backward compatibility:
        if 'info_text' in classdict:
            warnings.warn('Deprecation warning: info_text has been renamed '
                          'class_info. Consider updating class '
                          '{} '.format(name), FutureWarning)
            classdict['class_info'] = classdict['info_text']
        if 'info' in classdict and callable(classdict['info']):
            warnings.warn('Deprecation warning: info is now a @property, not '
                          'a callable. Consider updating class '
                          '{}'.format(name), FutureWarning)
            classdict['info'] = property(fget=classdict['info'])

        newcls = super(ArgumentWrangler, mcs).__new__(
            mcs, name, bases, classdict
        return newcls

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        """Wrap __init__ call in GettableProperty subclasses"""
        instance = super(ArgumentWrangler, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
        instance.terms = {'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs}
        return instance

[docs]class GettableProperty(with_metaclass(ArgumentWrangler, object)): #pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Property with immutable value **GettableProperties** are assigned their default values upon :ref:`hasproperties` instance construction, and cannot be modified after that. Keyword arguments match those available to :ref:`Property <property>` with the exception of **required**. """ class_info = '' _class_default = undefined def __init__(self, doc, **kwargs): self.doc = doc self._meta = {} default = kwargs.pop('default', None) for key in kwargs: if key == 'terms': raise AttributeError('terms are set by Property metaclass') if key[0] == '_': raise AttributeError( 'Cannot set private attribute: "{}".'.format(key) ) if not hasattr(self, key): raise AttributeError( 'Unknown key for Property: "{}".'.format(key) ) try: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( 'Cannot set attribute: "{}".'.format(key) ) if default is not None: self.default = default @property def name(self): """The name of the Property on a HasProperties class """ return getattr(self, '_name', '') @name.setter def name(self, value): if not isinstance(value, string_types): raise TypeError('name must be a string') self._name = value @property def doc(self): """Get the doc documentation of a Property instance""" return self._doc @doc.setter def doc(self, value): if not isinstance(value, string_types): raise TypeError('doc must be a string') self._doc = value @property def terms(self): """Initialization terms and options for Property""" terms = PropertyTerms(, self.__class__, self._args, self._kwargs, self.meta ) return terms @terms.setter def terms(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict) or len(value) != 2: raise TypeError("terms must be set with a dictionary of 'args' " "and 'kwargs'") if 'args' not in value or not isinstance(value['args'], tuple): raise TypeError("terms must have a tuple 'args'") if 'kwargs' not in value or not isinstance(value['kwargs'], dict): raise TypeError("terms must have a dictionary 'kwargs'") self._args = value['args'] self._kwargs = value['kwargs'] @property def default(self): """Default value of the Property""" return getattr(self, '_default', self._class_default) @default.setter def default(self, value): if callable(value): self.validate(None, value()) elif value is not undefined: self.validate(None, value) self._default = value @property def serializer(self): """Callable to serialize the Property""" return getattr(self, '_serializer', None) @serializer.setter def serializer(self, value): if not callable(value): raise TypeError('serializer must be a callable') self._serializer = accept_kwargs(value) @property def deserializer(self): """Callable to deserialize the Property""" return getattr(self, '_deserializer', None) @deserializer.setter def deserializer(self, value): if not callable(value): raise TypeError('deserializer must be a callable') self._deserializer = accept_kwargs(value) @property def meta(self): """Get the tagged metadata of a Property instance""" return self._meta def tag(self, *tag, **kwtags): """Tag a Property instance with metadata dictionary""" if not tag: pass elif len(tag) == 1 and isinstance(tag[0], dict): self._meta.update(tag[0]) else: raise TypeError('Tags must be provided as key-word arguments or ' 'a dictionary') self._meta.update(kwtags) return self @property def info(self): """Description of the Property, supplemental to the base doc""" return self.class_info def validate(self, instance, value): #pylint: disable=unused-argument,no-self-use """Check if the value is valid for the Property If valid, return the value, possibly coerced from the input value. If invalid, a ValueError is raised. .. warning:: Calling :code:`validate` again on a coerced value must not modify the value further. .. note:: This function should be able to handle :code:`instance=None` since valid Property values are independent of containing HasProperties class. However, the instance is passed to :code:`error` for a more verbose error message, and it may be used for additional optional validation. """ return value def assert_valid(self, instance, value=None): """Returns True if the Property is valid on a HasProperties instance Raises a ValueError if the value is invalid. """ if value is None: value = instance._get( if ( value is not None and not self.equal(value, self.validate(instance, value)) ): message = 'Invalid value for property: {}: {}'.format(, value ) raise ValidationError(message, 'invalid',, instance) return True def equal(self, value_a, value_b): #pylint: disable=no-self-use """Check if two valid Property values are equal .. note:: This method assumes that :code:`None` and :code:`properties.undefined` are never passed in as values """ equal = value_a == value_b if hasattr(equal, '__iter__'): return all(equal) return equal def get_property(self): """Establishes access of GettableProperty values""" scope = self def fget(self): """Call the HasProperties _get method""" return self._get( return property(fget=fget, doc=scope.sphinx()) def serialize(self, value, **kwargs): #pylint: disable=unused-argument """Serialize a valid Property value This method uses the Property :code:`serializer` if available. Otherwise, it uses :code:`to_json`. Any keyword arguments are passed through to these methods. """ kwargs.update({'include_class': kwargs.get('include_class', True)}) if self.serializer is not None: return self.serializer(value, **kwargs) if value is None: return None return self.to_json(value, **kwargs) def deserialize(self, value, **kwargs): #pylint: disable=unused-argument """Deserialize input value to valid Property value This method uses the Property :code:`deserializer` if available. Otherwise, it uses :code:`from_json`. Any keyword arguments are passed through to these methods. """ kwargs.update({'trusted': kwargs.get('trusted', False)}) if self.deserializer is not None: return self.deserializer(value, **kwargs) if value is None: return None return self.from_json(value, **kwargs) @staticmethod def to_json(value, **kwargs): #pylint: disable=unused-argument """Statically convert a valid Property value to JSON value""" return value @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): #pylint: disable=unused-argument """Statically load a Property value from JSON value""" return value def error(self, instance, value, error_class=None, extra=''): """Generate a :code:`ValueError` for invalid value assignment The instance is the containing HasProperties instance, but it may be None if the error is raised outside a HasProperties class. """ error_class = error_class or ValidationError prefix = 'The {} property'.format(self.__class__.__name__) if != '': prefix = prefix + " '{}'".format( if instance is not None: prefix = prefix + ' of a {cls} instance'.format( cls=instance.__class__.__name__, ) message = ( '{prefix} must be {info}. A value of {val!r} {vtype!r} was ' 'specified. {extra}'.format( prefix=prefix, or 'corrected', val=value, vtype=type(value), extra=extra, ) ) if issubclass(error_class, ValidationError): raise error_class(message, 'invalid',, instance) raise error_class(message) def sphinx(self): """Generate Sphinx-formatted documentation for the Property""" try: assert __IPYTHON__ classdoc = '' except (NameError, AssertionError): scls = self.sphinx_class() classdoc = ' ({})'.format(scls) if scls else '' prop_doc = '**{name}**{cls}: {doc}{info}'.format(, cls=classdoc, doc=self.doc, info=', {}'.format( if else '', ) return prop_doc def sphinx_class(self): """Property class name formatted for Sphinx doc linking""" classdoc = ':class:`{cls} <{pref}.{cls}>`' if self.__module__.split('.')[0] == 'properties': pref = 'properties' else: pref = text_type(self.__module__) return classdoc.format(cls=self.__class__.__name__, pref=pref) def __call__(self, func): return DynamicProperty(self.doc, func=func, prop=self)
[docs]class DynamicProperty(GettableProperty): #pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """DynamicProperties are GettableProperties calculated dynamically These allow for a similar behavior to :code:`@property` with additional documentation and validation built in. DynamicProperties are not saved to the HasProperties instance (and therefore are not serialized), do not fire change notifications, and don't allow default values. These are created by decorating a single-argument method with a Property instance. This method is registered as the DynamicProperty getter. Setters and deleters may also be registered. .. code:: import properties class SpatialInfo(properties.HasProperties): x = properties.Float('x-location') y = properties.Float('y-location') z = properties.Float('z-location') @properties.Vector3('my dynamic vector') def location(self): return [self.x, self.y, self.z] @location.setter def location(self, value): self.x, self.y, self.z = value @location.deleter def location(self): del self.x, self.y, self.z .. note:: DynamicProperties should not be directly instantiated; they should be constructed with the above decorator method. .. note:: Since DynamicProperties have no saved state, the decorating Property is not allowed to have a :code:`default` value. Also, the :code:`required` attribute will be ignored. .. note:: When implementing a DynamicProperty getter, care should be taken around when other properties do not yet have a value. In the example above, if :code:`self.x`, :code:`self.y`, or :code:`self.z` is still :code:`None` the :code:`location` vector will be invalid, so calling :code:`self.location` will fail. However, if the getter method returns :code:`None` it will be treated as :code:`properties.undefined` and pass validation. """ def __init__(self, doc, func, prop, **kwargs): self.func = func self.prop = prop = func.__name__ super(DynamicProperty, self).__init__(doc, **kwargs) self.tag(prop.meta) @property def func(self): """func is used to calculate the dynamic value""" return self._func @func.setter def func(self, value): if not callable(value): raise TypeError('func must be callable function') if hasattr(value, '__code__') and value.__code__.co_argcount != 1: raise TypeError('func must be a function with one argument') self._func = value @property def prop(self): """prop is used to document and validate the dynamic value""" return self._prop @prop.setter def prop(self, value): if not isinstance(value, GettableProperty): raise TypeError('DynamicProperty prop must be a Property instance') if value.default is not undefined: raise TypeError('DynamicProperties cannot have a default value') self._prop = value @property def name(self): """The name of the Property on a HasProperties class This is set in the metaclass. For DynamicProperties, prop inherits the name """ return getattr(self, '_name', '') @name.setter def name(self, value): if not isinstance(value, string_types): raise TypeError('name must be a string') = value self._name = value @property def info(self): """Info is obtained from prop""" return + ' created dynamically' @property def serializer(self): """DynamicProperty serializers pass through to prop serializer By default, the serializer will be called on None (and return None) since no value is stored in the backend. If an alternative serializer is registered, it must account for None. """ return self.prop.serializer @property def deserializer(self): """DynamicProperty deserializers pass through to prop deserializer By default, values will not be serialized, so the deserializer is unnecessary. """ return self.prop.deserializer def validate(self, instance, value): """Validate using prop validation""" return self.prop.validate(instance, value)
[docs] def setter(self, func): """Register a set function for the DynamicProperty This function must take two arguments, self and the new value. Input value to the function is validated with prop validation prior to execution. """ if not callable(func): raise TypeError('setter must be callable function') if hasattr(func, '__code__') and func.__code__.co_argcount != 2: raise TypeError('setter must be a function with two arguments') if func.__name__ != raise TypeError('setter function must have same name as getter') self._set_func = func return self
@property def set_func(self): """set_func is called when a DynamicProperty is set""" return getattr(self, '_set_func', None)
[docs] def deleter(self, func): """Register a delete function for the DynamicProperty This function may only take one argument, self. """ if not callable(func): raise TypeError('deleter must be callable function') if hasattr(func, '__code__') and func.__code__.co_argcount != 1: raise TypeError('deleter must be a function with two arguments') if func.__name__ != raise TypeError('deleter function must have same name as getter') self._del_func = func return self
@property def del_func(self): """del_func is called when a DynamicProperty is deleted""" return getattr(self, '_del_func', None) def get_property(self): """Establishes the dynamic behavior of Property values""" scope = self def fget(self): """Call dynamic function then validate output""" value = scope.func(self) if value is None or value is undefined: return None return scope.validate(self, value) def fset(self, value): """Validate and call setter""" if scope.set_func is None: raise AttributeError('cannot set attribute') scope.set_func(self, scope.validate(self, value)) def fdel(self): """call deleter""" if scope.del_func is None: raise AttributeError('cannot delete attribute') scope.del_func(self) return property(fget=fget, fset=fset, fdel=fdel, doc=scope.sphinx()) def equal(self, value_a, value_b): """Determine equality based on prop""" return self.prop.equal(value_a, value_b) def sphinx_class(self): """Property class name formatted for Sphinx doc linking""" return 'dynamic {}'.format(self.prop.sphinx_class())
[docs]class Property(GettableProperty): """Property class provides documentation, validation, and serialization When defined within a HasProperties class, each Property contributes to class documentation, validation, and serialization while behaving for the user just like :code:`@property` values on the class. For examples, see the :ref:`HasProperties <hasproperties>` documentation and documentation for specific :ref:`Property types <builtin>`. **Available keywords**: * **doc** - Docstring for the Property. Must be provided on instantiation. * **default** - Default value for the Property. This may be a callable that takes no arguments. Upon HasProperties instantiation, default value is assigned to the Property. If no default is given, the Property value will be undefined. * **required** - If True, Property must be given a value for the containing HasProperties instance to pass :code:`validate()`. If false, the Property may remain undefined. By default, required is True. * **serializer** - Function that will serialize the Property value when the containing HasProperties instance is serialized. The serializer must be a callable that takes the value to be serialized and possibly keyword arguments passed to :code:`serialize`. By default, the serializer writes to JSON. * **deserializer** - Function that will deserialize an input value to a valid Property value when a HasProperties instance is deserialized. The deserializer must be a callable that takes the value to be deserialized and possibly keyword arguments passed to :code:`deserialize`. By default, the deserializer writes to JSON. * **name** - Name of the Property. This is overwritten in the HasProperties metaclass to correspond to the Property's assigned name. """ @property def required(self): """Required properties must be set for validation to pass""" return getattr(self, '_required', True) @required.setter def required(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError('Required must be a boolean') self._required = value
[docs] def assert_valid(self, instance, value=None): """Returns True if the Property is valid on a HasProperties instance Raises a ValueError if the value required and not set, not valid, not correctly coerced, etc. .. note:: Unlike :code:`validate`, this method requires instance to be a HasProperties instance; it cannot be None. """ if value is None: value = instance._get( if value is None and self.required: message = ( "The '{name}' property of a {cls} instance is required " "and has not been set.".format(, cls=instance.__class__.__name__ ) ) raise ValidationError(message, 'missing',, instance) valid = super(Property, self).assert_valid(instance, value) return valid
def get_property(self): """Establishes access of Property values""" scope = self def fget(self): """Call the HasProperties _get method""" return self._get( def fset(self, value): """Validate value and call the HasProperties _set method""" if value is not undefined: value = scope.validate(self, value) self._set(, value) def fdel(self): """Set value to utils.undefined on delete""" self._set(, undefined) return property(fget=fget, fset=fset, fdel=fdel, doc=scope.sphinx()) def sphinx(self): """Basic docstring formatted for Sphinx docs""" if callable(self.default): default_val = self.default() default_str = 'new instance of {}'.format( default_val.__class__.__name__ ) else: default_val = self.default default_str = '{}'.format(self.default) try: if default_val is None or default_val is undefined: default_str = '' elif len(default_val) == 0: #pylint: disable=len-as-condition default_str = '' else: default_str = ', Default: {}'.format(default_str) except TypeError: default_str = ', Default: {}'.format(default_str) prop_doc = super(Property, self).sphinx() return '{doc}{default}'.format(doc=prop_doc, default=default_str)
[docs]class Boolean(Property): """Property for True or False values **Available keywords** (in addition to those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`): * **cast** - convert input value to boolean based on its truth value. By default, cast is False. """ class_info = 'a boolean' @property def cast(self): """Cast number to specified type""" return getattr(self, '_cast', False) @cast.setter def cast(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("'cast' property must be a boolean") self._cast = value def validate(self, instance, value): """Checks if value is a boolean""" if self.cast: try: value = bool(value) except ValueError: self.error(instance, value) if not isinstance(value, BOOLEAN_TYPES): self.error(instance, value) return value def equal(self, value_a, value_b): return value_a is value_b @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): """Coerces JSON string to boolean""" if isinstance(value, string_types): value = value.upper() if value in ('TRUE', 'Y', 'YES', 'ON'): return True if value in ('FALSE', 'N', 'NO', 'OFF'): return False if isinstance(value, int): return value raise ValueError('Could not load boolean from JSON: {}'.format(value))
# Alias Bool for backwards compatibility - this will be removed in a future # release Bool = Boolean def _in_bounds(prop, instance, value): """Checks if the value is in the range (min, max)""" if ( (prop.min is not None and value < prop.min) or (prop.max is not None and value > prop.max) ): prop.error(instance, value)
[docs]class Integer(Boolean): """Property for integer values **Available keywords** (in addition to those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`): * **min** - Minimum valid value, inclusive. If None (the default), there is no minimum limit. * **max** - Maximum valid value, inclusive. If None (the default), there is no maximum limit. * **cast** - Attempt to convert input value to integer. By default, cast is False. """ class_info = 'an integer' @property def min(self): """Minimum allowed value""" return getattr(self, '_min', None) @min.setter def min(self, value): if self.max is not None and value > self.max: raise TypeError('min must be <= max') self._min = value @property def max(self): """Maximum allowed value""" return getattr(self, '_max', None) @max.setter def max(self, value): if self.min is not None and value < self.min: raise TypeError('max must be >= min') self._max = value def validate(self, instance, value): """Checks that value is an integer and in min/max bounds""" try: intval = int(value) if not self.cast and abs(value - intval) > TOL: self.error(instance, value) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.error(instance, value) _in_bounds(self, instance, intval) return intval def equal(self, value_a, value_b): #pylint: disable=no-self-use """Check if two valid Property values are equal""" return value_a == value_b @property def info(self): if (getattr(self, 'min', None) is None and getattr(self, 'max', None) is None): return self.class_info return '{txt} in range [{mn}, {mx}]'.format( txt=self.class_info, mn='-inf' if getattr(self, 'min', None) is None else self.min, mx='inf' if getattr(self, 'max', None) is None else self.max ) @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): return int(value)
[docs]class Float(Integer): """Property for float values **Available keywords** (in addition to those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`): * **min** - Minimum valid value, inclusive. If None (the default), there is no minimum limit. * **max** - Maximum valid value, inclusive. If None (the default), there is no maximum limit. * **cast** - Attempt to convert input value to integer. By default, cast is False. """ class_info = 'a float' def validate(self, instance, value): """Checks that value is a float and in min/max bounds Non-float numbers are coerced to floats """ try: floatval = float(value) if not self.cast and abs(value - floatval) > TOL: self.error(instance, value) except (TypeError, ValueError): self.error(instance, value) _in_bounds(self, instance, floatval) return floatval def equal(self, value_a, value_b): try: return abs(value_a - value_b) <= TOL except TypeError: return False @staticmethod def to_json(value, **kwargs): if math.isnan(value) or math.isinf(value): return str(value) return value @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): return float(value)
[docs]class Complex(Boolean): """Property for complex numbers **Available keywords** (in addition to those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`): * **cast** - Attempt to convert input value to integer. By default, cast is False. """ class_info = 'a complex number' def validate(self, instance, value): """Checks that value is a complex number Floats and Integers are coerced to complex numbers """ try: compval = complex(value) if not self.cast and ( abs(value.real - compval.real) > TOL or abs(value.imag - compval.imag) > TOL ): self.error(instance, value) except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError): self.error(instance, value) return compval def equal(self, value_a, value_b): try: real_equal = abs(value_a.real - value_b.real) <= TOL imag_equal = abs(value_a.imag - value_b.imag) <= TOL return real_equal and imag_equal except (TypeError, AttributeError): return False @staticmethod def to_json(value, **kwargs): return str(value) @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): return complex(value)
[docs]class String(Property): """Property for string values **Available keywords** (in addition to those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`): * **strip** - Substring to strip off input. By default, nothing is stripped. * **change_case** - If 'lower', coerces input to lowercase; if 'upper', coerce input to uppercase. If None (the default), case is left unchanged. * **unicode** - If True, coerce strings to unicode. Default is True to ensure consistent behavior across Python 2/3. * **regex** - Regular expression (pattern or compiled expression) the input string must match. Note: :code:`` is used to determine if string is valid; to match the entire string, ensure '^' and '$' are contained in the regex pattern. """ class_info = 'a string' @property def strip(self): """Substring that is stripped from input values""" return getattr(self, '_strip', '') @strip.setter def strip(self, value): if not isinstance(value, string_types): raise TypeError('strip must be the string to strip') self._strip = value @property def change_case(self): """Coereces string input to given case This may be 'upper' or 'lower'. If it is unspecified (or None), case is left unchanged """ return getattr(self, '_change_case', None) @change_case.setter def change_case(self, value): if value not in (None, 'upper', 'lower'): raise TypeError("change_case must be 'upper', " "'lower' or None") self._change_case = value @property def unicode(self): """Coerces string value to unicode""" return getattr(self, '_unicode', True) @unicode.setter def unicode(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError('unicode must be a boolean') self._unicode = value @property def regex(self): """Regular expression the string must match""" return getattr(self, '_regex', None) @regex.setter def regex(self, value): if isinstance(value, string_types): try: value = re.compile(value) except (re.error, TypeError): raise TypeError('Invalid regex pattern: {}'.format(value)) if hasattr(value, 'search') and callable( self._regex = value else: raise TypeError('regex must be a string pattern or a compiled' 'regular expression') def validate(self, instance, value): """Check if value is a string, and strips it and changes case""" value_type = type(value) if not isinstance(value, string_types): self.error(instance, value) if self.regex is not None and is None: #pylint: disable=no-member self.error(instance, value) value = value.strip(self.strip) if self.change_case == 'upper': value = value.upper() elif self.change_case == 'lower': value = value.lower() if self.unicode: value = text_type(value) else: value = value_type(value) return value @property def info(self): info = 'a unicode string' if self.unicode else 'a string' if self.regex is not None: info += ' that matches pattern' if hasattr(self.regex, 'pattern'): info += ' "{}"'.format(self.regex.pattern) #pylint: disable=no-member return info
[docs]class StringChoice(Property): """String Property where only certain choices are allowed **Available keywords** (in addition to those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`): * **choices** - Either a set/list/tuple of allowed strings OR a dictionary of string key and list-of-string value pairs, where any string in the value list is coerced to the key string. * **case_sensitive** - Determine if input must follow case in choices. If False (the default), the input value will be coerced to the case in choices. * **descriptions** - Dictionary of choice/description key/value pairs. If specified, it must contain all choices. """ class_info = 'a string choice' def __init__(self, doc, choices, case_sensitive=False, **kwargs): self.case_sensitive = case_sensitive self.choices = choices super(StringChoice, self).__init__(doc, **kwargs) @property def info(self): """Formatted string to display the available choices""" if self.descriptions is None: choice_list = ['"{}"'.format(choice) for choice in self.choices] else: choice_list = [ '"{}" ({})'.format(choice, self.descriptions[choice]) for choice in self.choices ] if len(self.choices) == 2: return 'either {} or {}'.format(choice_list[0], choice_list[1]) return 'any of {}'.format(', '.join(choice_list)) @property def choices(self): """Available string choices""" return self._choices @choices.setter def choices(self, value): #pylint: disable=too-many-branches if isinstance(value, (set, list, tuple)): if len(value) != len(set(value)): raise TypeError('choices must contain no duplicate strings') value = collections.OrderedDict((v, []) for v in value) if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError('choices must be a set, list, tuple, or dict') for key, val in value.items(): if isinstance(val, (set, list, tuple)): value[key] = list(val) else: value[key] = [val] all_items = [] for key, val in value.items(): if not isinstance(key, string_types): raise TypeError('choices must be strings') for sub_val in val: if not isinstance(sub_val, string_types): raise TypeError('choices must be strings') all_items += [key] + val if self.case_sensitive: unique_length = len(set(all_items)) else: unique_length = len(set(item.upper() for item in all_items)) if len(all_items) != unique_length: raise TypeError('choices must contain no duplicate strings') self._choices = value @property def case_sensitive(self): """Determine if input must follow case in choices If True, input must match choice exactly. If False (default), input is coerced to choice's case. This also disallows case-insensitive duplicates. """ return getattr(self, '_case_sensitive', False) @case_sensitive.setter def case_sensitive(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError('case_sensitive must be True or False') self._case_sensitive = value @property def descriptions(self): """Dictionary of descriptions for available choices Keys must correspond to all choices and values must be string descriptions """ return getattr(self, '_descriptions', None) @descriptions.setter def descriptions(self, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): raise TypeError('descriptions must be a dictionary') if len(value) != len(self.choices): raise TypeError('descriptions must contain all choices as keys') for key, val in value.items(): if key not in self.choices: raise TypeError('descriptions keys must be valid choices') if not isinstance(val, string_types): raise TypeError('descriptions values must be strings') self._descriptions = value def validate(self, instance, value): #pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements """Check if input is a valid string based on the choices""" if not isinstance(value, string_types): self.error(instance, value) for key, val in self.choices.items(): test_value = value if self.case_sensitive else value.upper() test_key = key if self.case_sensitive else key.upper() test_val = val if self.case_sensitive else [_.upper() for _ in val] if test_value == test_key or test_value in test_val: return key self.error(instance, value)
[docs]class Color(Property): """Property for RGB colors. Valid inputs are length-3 RGB tuple/list with integer values between 0 and 255, 3 or 6 digit hex color, color name from standard web colors, or 'random'. All of these are coerced to RGB tuple. No additional keywords are avalaible besides those those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`. """ class_info = 'a color' def validate(self, instance, value): """Check if input is valid color and converts to RGB""" if isinstance(value, string_types): value = COLORS_NAMED.get(value, value) if value.upper() == 'RANDOM': value = random.choice(COLORS_20) value = value.upper().lstrip('#') if len(value) == 3: value = ''.join(v*2 for v in value) if len(value) != 6: self.error(instance, value, extra='Color must be known name ' 'or a hex with 6 digits. e.g. "#FF0000"') try: value = [ int(value[i:i + 6 // 3], 16) for i in range(0, 6, 6 // 3) ] except ValueError: self.error(instance, value, extra='Hex color must be base 16 (0-F)') if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): self.error(instance, value, extra='Color must be a list or tuple of length 3') if len(value) != 3: self.error(instance, value, extra='Color must be length 3') for val in value: if not isinstance(val, integer_types) or not 0 <= val <= 255: self.error(instance, value, extra='Color values must be ints 0-255.') return tuple(value) @staticmethod def to_json(value, **kwargs): return list(value) @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): return tuple(value)
[docs]class DateTime(Property): """Property for DateTimes This property uses :code:`datetime.datetime`. The value may also be specified as a string that uses either '1995/08/12' or '1995-08-12T18:00:00Z' format; these are coerced to a datetime instance. No additional keywords are avalaible besides those those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`. """ class_info = 'a datetime object' def validate(self, instance, value): """Check if value is a valid datetime object or JSON datetime string""" if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return value if not isinstance(value, string_types): self.error(instance, value) try: return self.from_json(value) except ValueError: self.error(instance, value) @staticmethod def to_json(value, **kwargs): return value.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): if len(value) == 10: return datetime.datetime.strptime(value.replace('-', '/'), '%Y/%m/%d') return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
[docs]class Uuid(GettableProperty): """Immutable property for unique identifiers Default value is generated on :ref:`hasproperties` class instantiation using :code:`uuid.uuid4()` No additional keywords are available besides those those inherited from :class:`GettableProperty <properties.GettableProperty>`. """ class_info = 'a unique ID auto-generated with uuid.uuid4()' @property def default(self): return getattr(self, '_default', uuid.uuid4) def validate(self, instance, value): """Check that value is a valid UUID instance""" if not isinstance(value, uuid.UUID): self.error(instance, value) return value @staticmethod def to_json(value, **kwargs): return text_type(value) @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): return uuid.UUID(text_type(value))
[docs]class File(Property): """Property for files This may be a file or file-like object. If mode is provided, filenames are also allowed; these will be opened on validate. Note: Validation rejects closed files, but nothing prevents the file from being modified or closed once it is set. **Available keywords** (in addition to those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`): * **mode**: Opens the file in this mode. If 'r' or 'rb', the file must exist, otherwise the file will be created. If None, string filenames will not be open (and therefore be invalid). Default value is None. * **valid_modes**: Tuple of valid modes for open files. This must include **mode**. If nothing is specified, **valid_mode** is set to **mode**. """ class_info = 'an open file or filename' file_modes = { 'r', 'r+', 'rb', 'rb+', 'w', 'w+', 'wb', 'wb+', 'a', 'a+', 'ab', 'ab+' } def __init__(self, doc, mode=None, **kwargs): self.mode = mode super(File, self).__init__(doc, **kwargs) @property def mode(self): """Mode to use when opening the file""" return self._mode @mode.setter def mode(self, value): if value is not None and value not in self.file_modes: raise TypeError('Invalid file mode: {}'.format(value)) self._mode = value @property def valid_modes(self): """Valid modes of an open file""" default_mode = (self.mode,) if self.mode is not None else None return getattr(self, '_valid_mode', default_mode) @valid_modes.setter def valid_modes(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (set, list, tuple)): value = (value,) if self.mode not in value: raise TypeError('mode {} must be included in ' 'valid_modes'.format(self.mode)) for val in value: if val not in self.file_modes: raise TypeError('Invalid file mode: {}'.format(val)) self._valid_mode = tuple(value) def get_property(self): """Establishes access of Property values""" prop = super(File, self).get_property() # scope is the Property instance scope = self def fdel(self): """Set value to utils.undefined on delete""" if self._get( is not None: self._get( self._set(, undefined) new_prop = property(fget=prop.fget, fset=prop.fset, fdel=fdel, doc=scope.sphinx()) return new_prop def validate(self, instance, value): """Checks that the value is a valid file open in the correct mode If value is a string, it attempts to open it with the given mode. """ if isinstance(value, string_types) and self.mode is not None: try: value = open(value, self.mode) except (IOError, TypeError): self.error(instance, value, extra='Cannot open file: {}'.format(value)) if not all([hasattr(value, attr) for attr in ('read', 'seek')]): self.error(instance, value, extra='Not a file-like object') if not hasattr(value, 'mode') or self.valid_modes is None: pass elif value.mode not in self.valid_modes: self.error(instance, value, extra='Invalid mode: {}'.format(value.mode)) if getattr(value, 'closed', False): self.error(instance, value, extra='File is closed.') return value def equal(self, value_a, value_b): return value_a is value_b @property def info(self): """Help text for the File Property, including valid modes""" info = '{}, valid modes include {}'.format(self.class_info, self.valid_modes) return info
[docs]class Renamed(GettableProperty): """Property that allows renaming of other properties. Assign the old name to a Renamed Property that points to the new name. Getting, setting, and deleting using the old name will warn the user then redirect to the new name. For example, when updating this code for PEP8 .. code:: class MyClass(properties.HasProperties): myStringProp = properties.String('My string property') backwards compatibility can be maintained with .. code:: class MyClass(properties.HasProperties): my_string_prop = properties.String('My string property') myStringProp = properties.Renamed('my_string_prop') **Argument**: * **new_name** - the new name of the property that was renamed. **Available keywords**: * **warn** - raise a warning when this property is used (default: True) """ def __init__(self, new_name, **kwargs): self.new_name = new_name default_doc = ( "This property has been renamed '{}' and may be removed in the " "future.".format(new_name) ) kwargs['doc'] = kwargs.get('doc', default_doc) super(Renamed, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def new_name(self): """New name of the renamed property""" return self._new_name @new_name.setter def new_name(self, value): if not isinstance(value, string_types): raise TypeError('new_name must be name of another property') self._new_name = value @property def warn(self): """Warn user about deprecation of renamed property""" return getattr(self, '_warn', True) @warn.setter def warn(self, value): if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("'warn' property must be a boolean") self._warn = value def sphinx_class(self): return '' def display_warning(self): """Display a FutureWarning about using a Renamed Property""" if self.warn: warnings.warn( "\nProperty '{}' is deprecated and may be removed in the " "future. Please use '{}'.".format(, self.new_name), FutureWarning, stacklevel=3 ) def get_property(self): """Establishes the dynamic behavior of Property values""" scope = self def fget(self): """Call dynamic function then validate output""" scope.display_warning() return getattr(self, scope.new_name) def fset(self, value): """Validate and call setter""" scope.display_warning() setattr(self, scope.new_name, value) def fdel(self): """call deleter""" scope.display_warning() delattr(self, scope.new_name) return property(fget=fget, fset=fset, fdel=fdel, doc=scope.sphinx())
COLORS_20 = [ '#1f77b4', '#aec7e8', '#ff7f0e', '#ffbb78', '#2ca02c', '#98df8a', '#d62728', '#ff9896', '#9467bd', '#c5b0d5', '#8c564b', '#c49c94', '#e377c2', '#f7b6d2', '#7f7f7f', '#c7c7c7', '#bcbd22', '#dbdb8d', '#17becf', '#9edae5' ] COLORS_NAMED = dict( aliceblue="F0F8FF", antiquewhite="FAEBD7", aqua="00FFFF", aquamarine="7FFFD4", azure="F0FFFF", beige="F5F5DC", bisque="FFE4C4", black="000000", blanchedalmond="FFEBCD", blue="0000FF", blueviolet="8A2BE2", brown="A52A2A", burlywood="DEB887", cadetblue="5F9EA0", chartreuse="7FFF00", chocolate="D2691E", coral="FF7F50", cornflowerblue="6495ED", cornsilk="FFF8DC", crimson="DC143C", cyan="00FFFF", darkblue="00008B", darkcyan="008B8B", darkgoldenrod="B8860B", darkgray="A9A9A9", darkgrey="A9A9A9", darkgreen="006400", darkkhaki="BDB76B", darkmagenta="8B008B", darkolivegreen="556B2F", darkorange="FF8C00", darkorchid="9932CC", darkred="8B0000", darksalmon="E9967A", darkseagreen="8FBC8F", darkslateblue="483D8B", darkslategray="2F4F4F", darkslategrey="2F4F4F", darkturquoise="00CED1", darkviolet="9400D3", deeppink="FF1493", deepskyblue="00BFFF", dimgray="696969", dimgrey="696969", dodgerblue="1E90FF", irebrick="B22222", floralwhite="FFFAF0", forestgreen="228B22", fuchsia="FF00FF", gainsboro="DCDCDC", ghostwhite="F8F8FF", gold="FFD700", goldenrod="DAA520", gray="808080", grey="808080", green="008000", greenyellow="ADFF2F", honeydew="F0FFF0", hotpink="FF69B4", indianred="CD5C5C", indigo="4B0082", ivory="FFFFF0", khaki="F0E68C", lavender="E6E6FA", lavenderblush="FFF0F5", lawngreen="7CFC00", lemonchiffon="FFFACD", lightblue="ADD8E6", lightcoral="F08080", lightcyan="E0FFFF", lightgoldenrodyellow="FAFAD2", lightgray="D3D3D3", lightgrey="D3D3D3", lightgreen="90EE90", lightpink="FFB6C1", lightsalmon="FFA07A", lightseagreen="20B2AA", lightskyblue="87CEFA", lightslategray="778899", lightslategrey="778899", lightsteelblue="B0C4DE", lightyellow="FFFFE0", lime="00FF00", limegreen="32CD32", linen="FAF0E6", magenta="FF00FF", maroon="800000", mediumaquamarine="66CDAA", mediumblue="0000CD", mediumorchid="BA55D3", mediumpurple="9370DB", mediumseagreen="3CB371", mediumslateblue="7B68EE", mediumspringgreen="00FA9A", mediumturquoise="48D1CC", mediumvioletred="C71585", midnightblue="191970", mintcream="F5FFFA", mistyrose="FFE4E1", moccasin="FFE4B5", navajowhite="FFDEAD", navy="000080", oldlace="FDF5E6", olive="808000", olivedrab="6B8E23", orange="FFA500", orangered="FF4500", orchid="DA70D6", palegoldenrod="EEE8AA", palegreen="98FB98", paleturquoise="AFEEEE", palevioletred="DB7093", papayawhip="FFEFD5", peachpuff="FFDAB9", peru="CD853F", pink="FFC0CB", plum="DDA0DD", powderblue="B0E0E6", purple="800080", rebeccapurple="663399", red="FF0000", rosybrown="BC8F8F", royalblue="4169E1", saddlebrown="8B4513", salmon="FA8072", sandybrown="F4A460", seagreen="2E8B57", seashell="FFF5EE", sienna="A0522D", silver="C0C0C0", skyblue="87CEEB", slateblue="6A5ACD", slategray="708090", slategrey="708090", snow="FFFAFA", springgreen="00FF7F", steelblue="4682B4", tan="D2B48C", teal="008080", thistle="D8BFD8", tomato="FF6347", turquoise="40E0D0", violet="EE82EE", wheat="F5DEB3", white="FFFFFF", whitesmoke="F5F5F5", yellow="FFFF00", yellowgreen="9ACD32", k="000000", b="0000FF", c="00FFFF", g="00FF00", m="FF00FF", r="FF0000", w="FFFFFF", y="FFFF00" )