Source code for properties.math

""" vectormath property classes"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from six import integer_types, string_types
import vectormath as vmath

from .basic import Property, TOL
from .utils import ValidationError

    int: 'i',
    float: 'f',
    bool: 'b',
    complex: 'c',

[docs]class Array(Property): """Property for :class:`numpy arrays <numpy.ndarray>` **Available keywords** (in addition to those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`): * **shape** - Tuple (or set of valid tuples) that describes the allowed shape of the array. Length of shape tuple corresponds to number of dimensions; values correspond to the allowed length for each dimension. These values may be integers or '*' for any length. For example, an n x 3 array would be shape ('*', 3). None may also be used if any shape is valid. The default value is ('*',). * **dtype** - Allowed data type for the array. May be float, int, bool, or a tuple containing any of these. The default is (float, int). """ class_info = 'a list or numpy array' @property def wrapper(self): """Class used to wrap the value in the validation call. For the base Array class, this is a :func:`numpy.array` but subclasses can use other wrappers such as :class:`tuple`, :class:`list` or :class:`vectormath.vector.Vector3` """ return np.array @property def shape(self): """Valid array shape. Must be a tuple with integer or '*' entries corresponding to valid array shapes. '*' means the dimension can be any length. A set of these tuples may also be provided if multiple shapes are valid. If any shape is valid, use None for shape. """ return getattr(self, '_shape', {('*',)}) @shape.setter def shape(self, value): if value is None: self._shape = value return self._shape = self._validate_shape(value) @staticmethod def _validate_shape(value): if not isinstance(value, set): try: value = {value} except TypeError: # Valid shapes are hashable - we are just deferring errors value = [value] for val in value: if not isinstance(val, tuple): raise TypeError("{}: Invalid shape - must be a tuple " "(e.g. ('*', 3) for an array of length-3 " "arrays)".format(val)) for shp in val: if shp != '*' and not isinstance(shp, integer_types): raise TypeError("{}: Invalid shape - values " "must be '*' or int".format(val)) return value @property def dtype(self): """Valid type of the array May be float, int, bool or a tuple of any of these """ return getattr(self, '_dtype', (float, int)) @dtype.setter def dtype(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = (value,) if len(value) == 0: #pylint: disable=len-as-condition raise TypeError('No dtype specified - must be int, float, ' 'and/or bool') if any([val not in TYPE_MAPPINGS for val in value]): raise TypeError('{}: Invalid dtype - must be {}'.format( value, ', '.join(v.__name__ for v in TYPE_MAPPINGS) )) self._dtype = value @property def info(self): if self.shape is None: shape_info = 'any shape' else: shape_info = 'shape {}'.format(' or '.join( '({})'.format(', '.join( '\*' if s == '*' else str(s) for s in shape #pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string )) for shape in self.shape )) return '{info} of {type} with {shp}'.format( info=self.class_info, type=', '.join([str(t) for t in self.dtype]), shp=shape_info, ) def validate(self, instance, value): """Determine if array is valid based on shape and dtype""" if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): self.error(instance, value) value = self.wrapper(value) if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray): raise NotImplementedError( 'Array validation is only implmented for wrappers that are ' 'subclasses of numpy.ndarray' ) if value.dtype.kind not in (TYPE_MAPPINGS[typ] for typ in self.dtype): self.error(instance, value) if self.shape is None: return value for shape in self.shape: if len(shape) != value.ndim: continue for i, shp in enumerate(shape): if shp not in ('*', value.shape[i]): break else: return value self.error(instance, value) def equal(self, value_a, value_b): try: if value_a.__class__ is not value_b.__class__: return False nan_mask = ~np.isnan(value_a) if not np.array_equal(nan_mask, ~np.isnan(value_b)): return False return np.allclose(value_a[nan_mask], value_b[nan_mask], atol=TOL) except TypeError: return False def error(self, instance, value, error_class=None, extra=''): """Generates a ValueError on setting property to an invalid value""" error_class = error_class or ValidationError if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): super(Array, self).error(instance, value, error_class, extra) if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): val_description = 'A {typ} of length {len}'.format( typ=value.__class__.__name__, len=len(value) ) else: val_description = 'An array of shape {shp} and dtype {typ}'.format( shp=value.shape, typ=value.dtype ) if instance is None: prefix = '{} property'.format(self.__class__.__name__) else: prefix = "The '{name}' property of a {cls} instance".format(, cls=instance.__class__.__name__, ) message = ( '{prefix} must be {info}. {desc} was specified. {extra}'.format( prefix=prefix,, desc=val_description, extra=extra, ) ) if issubclass(error_class, ValidationError): raise error_class(message, 'invalid',, instance) raise error_class(message) def deserialize(self, value, **kwargs): """De-serialize the property value from JSON If no deserializer has been registered, this converts the value to the wrapper class with given dtype. """ kwargs.update({'trusted': kwargs.get('trusted', False)}) if self.deserializer is not None: return self.deserializer(value, **kwargs) if value is None: return None return self.wrapper(value).astype(self.dtype[0]) @staticmethod def to_json(value, **kwargs): """Convert array to JSON list nan values are converted to string 'nan', inf values to 'inf'. """ def _recurse_list(val): if val and isinstance(val[0], list): return [_recurse_list(v) for v in val] return [str(v) if np.isnan(v) or np.isinf(v) else v for v in val] return _recurse_list(value.tolist()) @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): return np.array(value).astype(float)
class ZeroDivValidationError(ValidationError, ZeroDivisionError): #pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """Exception type for validation errors related to division-by-zero""" class BaseVector(Array): """Base class for Vector properties""" @property def dtype(self): """Vectors must be floats""" return (float,) @property def length(self): """Length to which vectors are scaled If None, vectors are not scaled """ return getattr(self, '_length', None) @length.setter def length(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (float, integer_types)): raise TypeError('length must be a float') if value <= 0.0: raise TypeError('length must be positive') self._length = float(value) def _length_array(self, value): #pylint: disable=unused-argument """Return scalar length for Vector classes. This is overridden to return array length for VectorArray classes. """ return self.length def validate(self, instance, value): """Check shape and dtype of vector and scales it to given length""" value = super(BaseVector, self).validate(instance, value) if self.length is not None: try: value.length = self._length_array(value) except ZeroDivisionError: self.error( instance, value, error_class=ZeroDivValidationError, extra='The vector must have a length specified.' ) return value
[docs]class Vector3(BaseVector): """Property for :class:`3D vectors<vectormath.vector.Vector3>` These Vectors are of shape (3,) and dtype float. In addition to length-3 arrays, these properties accept strings including: 'zero', 'x', 'y', 'z', '-x', '-y', '-z', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'up', and 'down'. **Available keywords** (in addition to those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`): * **length** - On validation, vectors are scaled to this length. If None (the default), vectors are not scaled """ class_info = 'a 3D Vector' @property def wrapper(self): """Vector3 wrapper: :class:`vectormath.vector.Vector3`""" return vmath.Vector3 @property def shape(self): """Vector3 is fixed at length-3""" return {(3,)} def validate(self, instance, value): """Check shape and dtype of vector validate also coerces the vector from valid strings (these include ZERO, X, Y, Z, -X, -Y, -Z, EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH, UP, and DOWN) and scales it to the given length. """ if isinstance(value, string_types): if value.upper() not in VECTOR_DIRECTIONS: self.error(instance, value) value = VECTOR_DIRECTIONS[value.upper()] return super(Vector3, self).validate(instance, value) @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): return vmath.Vector3(value)
[docs]class Vector2(BaseVector): """Property for :class:`2D vectors <vectormath.vector.Vector2>` These Vectors are of shape (2,) and dtype float. In addition to length-2 arrays, these properties accept strings including: 'zero', 'x', 'y', '-x', '-y', 'east', 'west', 'north', and 'south'. **Available keywords** (in addition to those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`): * **length** - On validation, vectors are scaled to this length. If None (the default), vectors are not scaled """ class_info = 'a 2D Vector' @property def wrapper(self): """Vector2 wrapper: :class:`vectormath.vector.Vector2`""" return vmath.Vector2 @property def shape(self): """Vector2 is fixed at length-2""" return {(2,)} def validate(self, instance, value): """Check shape and dtype of vector validate also coerces the vector from valid strings (these include ZERO, X, Y, -X, -Y, EAST, WEST, NORTH, and SOUTH) and scales it to the given length. """ if isinstance(value, string_types): if ( value.upper() not in VECTOR_DIRECTIONS or value.upper() in ('Z', '-Z', 'UP', 'DOWN') ): self.error(instance, value) value = VECTOR_DIRECTIONS[value.upper()][:2] return super(Vector2, self).validate(instance, value) @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): return vmath.Vector2(value)
[docs]class Vector3Array(BaseVector): """Property for an :class:`array of 3D vectors <vectormath.vector.Vector3Array>` This array of vectors are of shape ('*', 3) and dtype float. In addition to an array of this shape, these properties accept a list of strings including: 'zero', 'x', 'y', 'z', '-x', '-y', '-z', 'east', 'west', 'north', 'south', 'up', and 'down'. **Available keywords** (in addition to those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`): * **length** - On validation, all vectors are scaled to this length. If None (the default), vectors are not scaled """ class_info = 'a list of Vector3' @property def wrapper(self): """Vector3Array wrapper: :class:`vectormath.vector.Vector3Array`""" return vmath.Vector3Array @property def shape(self): """Vector3Array is shape n x 3""" return getattr(self, '_shape', {('*', 3)}) @shape.setter def shape(self, value): value = self._validate_shape(value) for val in value: if len(val) != 2 or val[1] != 3: raise TypeError('{}: Invalid shape - Vector3Array must ' 'have two dimensions, and the second ' 'must equal 3'.format(val)) self._shape = value def _length_array(self, value): return np.ones(value.shape[0])*self.length def validate(self, instance, value): """Check shape and dtype of vector validate also coerces the vector from valid strings (these include ZERO, X, Y, Z, -X, -Y, -Z, EAST, WEST, NORTH, SOUTH, UP, and DOWN) and scales it to the given length. """ if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): self.error(instance, value) for i, val in enumerate(value): if isinstance(val, string_types): if val.upper() not in VECTOR_DIRECTIONS: self.error(instance, val) value[i] = VECTOR_DIRECTIONS[val.upper()] return super(Vector3Array, self).validate(instance, value) @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): return vmath.Vector3Array(value)
[docs]class Vector2Array(BaseVector): """Property for an :class:`array of 2D vectors <vectormath.vector.Vector2Array>` This array of vectors are of shape ('*', 2) and dtype float. In addition to an array of this shape, these properties accept a list of strings including: 'zero', 'x', 'y', '-x', '-y', 'east', 'west', 'north', and 'south'. **Available keywords** (in addition to those inherited from :ref:`Property <property>`): * **length** - On validation, all vectors are scaled to this length. If None (the default), vectors are not scaled """ class_info = 'a list of Vector2' @property def wrapper(self): """Vector2Array wrapper: :class:`vectormath.vector.Vector2Array`""" return vmath.Vector2Array @property def shape(self): """Vector2Array is shape n x 2""" return getattr(self, '_shape', {('*', 2)}) @shape.setter def shape(self, value): value = self._validate_shape(value) for val in value: if len(val) != 2 or val[1] != 2: raise TypeError('{}: Invalid shape - Vector2Array must ' 'have two dimensions, and the second ' 'must equal 2'.format(val)) self._shape = value def _length_array(self, value): return np.ones(value.shape[0])*self.length def validate(self, instance, value): """Check shape and dtype of vector validate also coerces the vector from valid strings (these include ZERO, X, Y, -X, -Y, EAST, WEST, NORTH, and SOUTH) and scales it to the given length. """ if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): self.error(instance, value) if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): for i, val in enumerate(value): if ( isinstance(val, string_types) and val.upper() in VECTOR_DIRECTIONS and val.upper() not in ('Z', '-Z', 'UP', 'DOWN') ): value[i] = VECTOR_DIRECTIONS[val.upper()][:2] return super(Vector2Array, self).validate(instance, value) @staticmethod def from_json(value, **kwargs): return vmath.Vector2Array(value)
VECTOR_DIRECTIONS = { 'ZERO': [0, 0, 0], 'X': [1, 0, 0], 'Y': [0, 1, 0], 'Z': [0, 0, 1], '-X': [-1, 0, 0], '-Y': [0, -1, 0], '-Z': [0, 0, -1], 'EAST': [1, 0, 0], 'WEST': [-1, 0, 0], 'NORTH': [0, 1, 0], 'SOUTH': [0, -1, 0], 'UP': [0, 0, 1], 'DOWN': [0, 0, -1], }